Meet our Officers

Below you'll find the the officers of American Legion Post 754.

Rick Calero

Rick Calero

Rich Dolan

Rich Dolan

1st Vice Commander
McQuade Ryan

McQuade Ryan

2nd Vice Commander
Joe Davidson

Joe Davidson

3rd Vice Commander
Maria Arnone

Maria Arnone

Paul Tanghe

Paul Tanghe

Cory Sullivan

Cory Sullivan

Sergeant at Arms
Frank Kelly

Frank Kelly

Judge Advocate
Gerard Casey

Gerard Casey

Jack Morrow

Jack Morrow

County Rep
Fr Gerald Murray

Fr Gerald Murray

James Tang

James Tang

Social Vice President
Khary Ward

Khary Ward

Social Vice President
Siobhan Dunn

Siobhan Dunn

Social Vice President
Bill Golden

Bill Golden

Past Commander
Thor O'Connell

Thor O'Connell

Past Commander
Chris Wilkens

Chris Wilkens

Past Commander

Elia Clemente

Past Commander
Richard Sweeney

Richard Sweeney

Past Commander

Doug Sinsel

Past Commander